17 Sex Things You Should Never Feel Bad About part 2

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9. Being super wet. People who say “oh wow, you’re SO wet” in a concerned voice as if the fact you're turned on is a bad thing are not worth being wet for.

10. Queefing/squirting/any other bodily functions. Honestly, even if you accidentally fart during sex: SO WHAT. You can’t clench your vagina or butt cheeks when you’re busy having amazing sex, nor should you.

11. Being “awkward” in bed. Whether it’s your first time or you’re 20th one-night-stand, nerves are normal! It sucks that so many movies makes first-time sex seem lush and romantic or aggressively passionate. Most of the time, there can be awkward moments! Embrace them, they’re cute!

12. Not having a label for your sexuality right away. There’s nothing wrong with switching your Tinder preferences from men to women even though you’ve never kissed a woman before. It doesn’t mean you’ve been closeted all along – it just means you’re curious. Explore at your own pace

13. Watching porn. Porn has existed pretty much as long as people have – like if the ancient Athenians carved threesomes onto urns, it’s safe to say that wanting to see other people bone is probably a thing that won’t go away. As long as it’s not hurting anyone, watch away. This especially goes for women, who aren’t heavily portrayed as porn watchers in movies and TV – the desire exists, and it's 100 percent normal.

14. Not watching porn. There’s a lot of problematic stuff in the porn industry, and, let’s be real – the majority of it is catered to the male gaze. Or, it could just not be your thing! Doesn’t make you frigid or lame if you choose to pass.

15. Catching feelings for a hookup. Sometimes, even if your initial approach to sex with this person was fully detached, feelings and attachments happen – our bodies literally release chemicals during sex to bring us closer. Be honest with yourself, and your partner, if you now want sexual exclusivity or a relationship – you’re not a clingy loser for changing your mind.

16. Wanting multiple sexual partners. People who are very honest from the get-go about preferring non-monogamy should not be vilified for wanting more than one partner. It’s awful when people lead you on into thinking they only want to date you – but the ones who say “hookups only” on Tinder or are in an open relationship are exactly who they say they are.

17. Wanting sex on your period. Just lay down a towel! Having sex when you’re super horny on your period is always worth the extra effort.
