Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend

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Today's steamy, sensual Scorpio moon creates an indulgent and erotic mood for you, Aries. And this evening, a fiery Sagittarius moon puts a little more pep in your step so you can enjoy a high-energy weekend. Go out, have fun, and tear up the town!

On Sunday, Jupiter in Scorpio, the most sexual sign, connects with intellectual Mercury in Virgo, inspiring you to take a closer look at your sex life and most intimate relationships. What are your usual go-to moves and positions? What works well with your partner, and what needs adjustment? Switching up your usual bedroom routine can be a fun way to connect more deeply with someone else, which is what Venus in Scorpio is strongly urging you to do.


All day, the Scorpio moon pulls your attention to your relationships, Taurus. Tonight, the moon moves into Sagittarius, activating the most sexual zone of your chart. You can light a fire in the bedroom any night this weekend, especially with Venus in the relationships zone of your chart, and the Sun in the part of your chart that rules over romance and sex.

Mercury, also in your chart’s zone of romance and sex, connects with lucky Jupiter in your chart’s relationships zone on Sunday. This brings a bright and confident outlook towards your love life and sexual affairs, and you’re filled with ideas to try out with your partner, in or out of bed. When Mercury and the Sun join up on Thursday, you can propose these plans and have a great time experimenting together!


After a few very buys days thanks to the moon being in Scorpio, its shift into Sagittarius tonight is a welcome change for you, Gemini. This optimistic and adventurous moon phase activates your chart’s relationships sector, so being around bae is especially satisfying all weekend. Take this time to relax and unwind–some slow morning sex with your partner is perfect for this!

The already-mellow astrology in your horoscope slows down further as the moon enters Capricorn on Monday, shining a light on the most intimate part of your chart. Take the next few days to indulge in some sexy fun, but make sure it actually helps you chill out. Life picks back up and becomes busy again when the moon enters Aquarius on Wednesday, and puts you in a more independent mood.


After an all-day romantic and sexual Scorpio moon, tonight's Sagittarius moon cuts out all of your time for fun and games, Cancer. All weekend, you're in a productive mood, busy with work and day-to-day obligations. You’re definitely staying in touch with your S.O. during the weekend as Mercury (communication) connects with Pluto (transformation and intensity) in your chart’s zone of relationships. This can indicate some heavy conversations that may lead to a new relationship, or a breakup. Mercury’s connection with lucky Jupiter in your chart’s zone of sex and romance suggests a more positive outcome, however!
This week’s Capricorn moon gives you a desire to connect with your partner, and these urges become more sexual on Wednesday, when the moon enters Aquarius. The moon’s interactions with Mars and Venus (sex and love, respectively) on Thursday brings a need for some hot and heavy action, and you can end the week with a bangin’ time in the bedroom!


The slow, morose mood you’ve been in for the past couple of days becomes frisky and playful tonight, Leo, as the Sagittarius moon glides over your chart’s love, sex, and fun zone. It links up with hot, explosive Mars, occupying your chart’s relationships area, and you can start your night off with a bang! The sexy vibes continue all weekend until the moon enters Capricorn on Monday, which makes you too busy to even bother with anything but work.

Thursday’s Aquarius moon illuminates the relationships portion of your chart, and again connects with Mars, reigniting the sexy mood from the weekend. Your week finishes out with Venus connecting with the moon, putting you in the mood to get cozy in bed with somebody else and indulge in some slow, simple pleasure.


How’s your birth month going, Virgo? The Sagittarius moon doesn’t indicate anything too exciting happening this weekend—it’s in the realm of your chart that rules over your home life. However, your sign’s favorite planet, Mercury, connects with transformative Pluto in Capricorn, in your chart’s zone of sex and romance this weekend. An intense connection with someone in your love life can occur, and can greatly alter your opinions on romance and sex. While this can sound ominous, Mercury’s connection with optimistic Jupiter right after gives this encounter a more positive and lucky spin!

The mood is frisky at the start of the week, as the Capricorn moon flies through your chart’s love/sex zone and connects with Venus (love and pleasure), then dreamy Neptune in your chart’s relationships zone. You see your partner and think about your love life in a dreamy, fairytale-romance kind of way, and this horoscope bodes well for making deep and meaningful connections.


An upbeat and social vibe accompanies this weekend’s Sagittarius moon, Libra, especially as it connects with urgent, physical Mars in your chart’s romance and sex zone. It’s a breeze bringing someone home with you tonight, and you have even more potential for A+ sex this weekend. The dull Capricorn moon starting Monday puts your usually-social mood on hold, but Mars clashing with Uranus in the most intimate zone of your chart can indicate some exciting surprises in the bedroom. Perhaps you’re the one doing the surprising—it’s a great time to try out something new and play with your partner in a completely outside-the-box way.
The moon spins into Aquarius on Wednesday night, shining a light onto the part of your chart associated with romance and fun. It bumps into fiery Mars again, revving up your libido and passion, then connects with Venus in Scorpio, the planet of pleasure in the most sexual sign. It looks like you’re having a busy week in the bedroom!


All weekend long, the Sagittarius moon is shining a light in the most sensual part of your chart, Scorpio. Its fiery and confident nature in this section of your chart helps you assert yourself and your desires when it comes to sex and pleasure. When social Mercury in Virgo connects with lucky Jupiter in your sign on Sunday, a new connection may end up being very significant, romantically-speaking. It helps that you have the confidence and allure to charm just about anyone right now.

Jupiter, planet of abundance and growth, has been in your sign for almost a year now. Venus, planet of love and beauty, is also hanging out in Scorpio, and the combined forces of both of these planets are attracting tons of people and tons of pleasure into your life. Virgo season activates the most social sector of your chart, so now is a great time to go on dates, hook up with new people, and have all kinds of fun!


If the Scorpio moon has drained your energy for the past few days, worry not, Sagittarius. The moon entering your sign this evening gives you a refreshed feeling and you can assert your natural optimism and confidence without a hitch all weekend. Come Monday, though, the moon enters earthy Capricorn. Earth signs are associated with the physical world and the senses, so when the moon enters an earth sign, the mood becomes more sensual. In your chart, the Capricorn moon is in the zone of sensuality and pleasure, so the potential for an ultra-erotic evening this week is high!

Venus (love and pleasure) is in Scorpio, in the most isolated and solitary zone of your chart. Finding new FWBs or starting a relationship isn’t favored by Venus here—the sensual vibes of the Capricorn moon are likely to manifest when you’re having some solo play-time. Let yourself discover what makes you feel good, and next time you hook up, you can use what you learned for an even better experience!


The Sagittarius moon this weekend puts you in a lonesome mood, Capricorn. You naturally want to withdraw into your shell, but come Monday, the moon enters your sign and things brighten up. It links with lovely Venus in sexual, indulgent Scorpio, and highlights the area of your chart which rules over social networks and friend groups. Perhaps a new hook up or love interest is headed your way?

On Tuesday, Mars (action and energy) squares off with Uranus (sudden change) in your chart’s zone of sensuality and romance, respectively. As a steady, structured earth sign, you’re not the biggest fan of change, but any surprises you experience in the bedroom this week could help you to discover a new way to pleasure yourself. AKA, your bedroom memories from this time might be so good, you can't help but replay them in your head during future solo-play. The erotic Aquarius moon connecting with Venus in Scorpio helps you to end the week in a pleasant, indulgent mood.


The Sagittarius moon puts you in a social mood, Aquarius, and this weekend is all about going out. Mercury in Virgo is activating the zone of your chart that rules over intimacy and sexuality, turning your mind to the more taboo areas of life. It joins forced with planet of growth and luck, Jupiter, in Scorpio, the most sexual sign, on Sunday. If you’ve been wanting to bring up any kinks or fantasies, this astro-weather is perfect for it!

Monday starts the week off with a Capricorn moon, and you’re feeling moody—it might be best if you can just be left alone. Thankfully, the moon enters your sign Wednesday, clearing up your headspace. Mercury also joins up with the Sun in Virgo, setting your chart’s sex zone on fire. It amps up your eagerness to talk about any sexual curiosities you might have. Open up to your partner about your fantasies and ask them what their deepest desires are—you can get to know them on a much deeper and in-depth level this week.


Today’s Scorpio moon vibes well with your watery energy, Pisces. When the moon moves into Sagittarius this evening, your confidence is boosted and you’re able to connect with others more easily. It’s Virgo season, which means that the relationships zone of your chart is lit all the way up! Mercury and the Sun are flying through Virgo, focusing most of your day-to-day activities and conversations on partnerships. Connecting with your S.O. or crush feels much more important now.

The Capricorn moon on Monday revs up your need to socialize, and when it connects with Venus in Scorpio, you want to be hanging out with someone specifically in a romantic or sexual context. Important conversations with your partner happen on Thursday when Mercury and the Sun meet up in Virgo. If you’ve been waiting to ask someone out or take things to the next level, the stars are aligned in your favor!

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